Global Employer Summit: Your Guide to CPT

Is your workplace taking advantage of hiring CPT workers? Join us for a Global Employer Summit session with Drew Poppleton, the Director of Post-Graduate Planning and Experiential Education at Case Western Reserve University, to learn why and how you should hire international students with CPT visas.


An International Student Guide to Job Searching in Cleveland

Most Effective Job Search Methods:


75-80% of jobs are found through networking!

Networking is the ongoing process of growing personal contacts to gain information about careers. Networking does not involve asking anyone for a job! Your goal is to continually build a network that reaches within your career field until you uncover employer needs.

Get your networking started with a Global Cleveland volunteer:


Respond to Job Openings

5-15% of all jobs are found through job postings

In addition to applying for job openings, use them as a research tool to see what types of positions and skills are listed in your field.

Browse openings here:


Work with Recruiters

10-20% of all jobs are found through recruiters

Retained recruiters are hired by companies to recruit senior level executives with salaries close to $100k and above.

Contingency recruiters seek a broader range of recruits from lower mid-level through and including senior level professionals. Call several firms that specialize in your field and follow up weekly to inquire about available opportunities.

Contact us for more information about recruiters in the Cleveland area.


Contact Companies Directly

5-15% of all jobs are found by contacting companies directly

Coffee meetings, informational interviews, volunteering and internships are great ways to get to know a prospective employer! Research the companies that work in your field and get networking!

Stay tuned, we will cover Tips for Success in our February Newsletter!



Contact Global Cleveland

P: (216) 472-3282

E: [email protected]

1422 Euclid Ave, Suite 1652

Cleveland, Ohio 44115


Computer and IT Talent – You Are the Region’s Highest In-Demand Workers

Northeast Ohio needs information technology workers! According to a report released by the Cleveland Foundation, individuals with computer and information technology skills are the most in-demand talent in the region. The report shows that in Northeast Ohio in 2013 there were 11,204 job openings in information technology. However, in the same year, that number compares to only 1,301 students awarded academic credentials in information technology. There is an obvious need to grow and attract IT talent to the Greater Cleveland region. Consequently, many of our local colleges, companies and organizations are taking action to grow this sector.
Read more