THANK YOU For Your Commitment To Changing Lives & StrengtheningOur Region
Thank you for your tax-deductible donation to Global Cleveland! Our 501(c)(3) non-profit is dedicated to growing Northeast Ohio’s economy by welcoming and connecting international people to opportunities and fostering a more inviting community for those seeking a place to call home. Your donation will help us provide services to impact the lives of more immigrants, refugees, asylum-seekers, and expats.
Online Donation via Credit Card
Donate To Global Cleveland Via The Cleveland Foundation

We are proud to partner with the Cleveland Foundation so that you may now donate to our cause via their Global Cleveland Fund.

"I hope to one day fill the shoes of a mentor and assist in helping other international newcomers."
"[Global Cleveland's] Global Rising program has been a fantastic way for me to connect with the community here and to learn not only what initiatives are taking place in this great city, but also how I can get involved and give back to my community."
- Chris

"I am praying to jump on any opportunity to create my American Dream..."
"For myself and my family, Global Cleveland opened doors and introduced us to other people, mainly connections, connecting us to people or other organizations that can bring more opportunities for us.”
- Crispin
The Impacts of Immigrants In Northeast Ohio
Manufacturing Jobs Preserved
Immigrants strengthened the local job market by allowing companies to keep jobs on U.S. soil, helping preserve or create 7,200 local manufacturing jobs that would have otherwise vanished or moved elsewhere by 2019.
Contributed To Social Security
The foreign-born in Northeast Ohio contributed over $482 million to Social Security and over $133 million to Medicare in 2019.
Immigrant Business Owners
Immigrants represented 8.1 percent of the business owners in Northeast Ohio in 2019. About 8,300 immigrant entrepreneurs generated $204.8 million in business income.
Immigrants With A Bachelor's Degree
In 2019, 40.8 percent of immigrants aged 25 and above held at least a bachelor’s degree, compared with 30.5 percent of the U.S.-born population in the region.
*Stats from New American Economy New American Economy