July 2023 Immigration Policy Update

July 2023 Immigration Update

In the month of July 2023, the United States witnessed several significant developments in immigration policy. Lawmakers are actively working on legislation to offer a path to permanent status for Afghan evacuees, while other bills challenge birthright citizenship and propose the creation of a Federal Office of New Americans. Additionally, executive agencies are implementing new family reunification parole processes and exploring refugee programs for non-Mexicans in Mexico. On the judicial front, the Supreme Court has made rulings on various immigration-related cases. In this blog, we’ll explore these immigration policy updates.

Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Introduce Legislation Seeking to Offer Path to Permanent Status for Afghan Evacuees

On July 13th, 2023, a group of bipartisan lawmakers reintroduced the Afghan Adjustment Act, aiming to grant permanent status to thousands of Afghans evacuated to the U.S. after the fall of Kabul in 2021. This legislation holds promise for countless Afghans, including those living in Greater Cleveland and Ohio, offering them a pathway to a secure future.

Source: National Immigration Forum

Legislation Challenging Birthright Citizenship Introduced in House of Representatives

Rep. Matt Gaetz proposed a bill that would deny birthright citizenship to children born in the U.S. to non-U.S. citizen parents. Gaetz cited children born to parents on tourist or temporary visas and those born to undocumented parents as reasoning behind the bill. The bill would not apply to those “lawfully admitted as refugees or permanent residents or performing active services in the U.S. Armed Forces.” Though the bill faces constitutional hurdles, it reflects growing nativist sentiments and requires close monitoring.

Source: Washington Examiner

Bill Proposing Creation of Federal Office of New Americans Reintroduced in Congress

Representatives Jayapal, Meng, and Garcia, along with Senator Markey, introduced a bill that would establish an Office of New Americans to support immigrants in adjusting to life in the U.S. and improve the immigration system. This initiative, endorsed by the National Partnership for New Americans, offers hope for immigrant communities seeking better integration.

Source: National Partnership for New Americans

DHS Announces New Family Reunification Parole Processes for Central American Countries

The Department of Homeland Security launched family reunification parole processes for Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. This program aims to reunite individuals with their families already in the United States, providing an opportunity for thousands stuck in backlogs.

Source: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Welcome Corps Launches Expansion of Private Sponsorship Refugee Resettlement to Colleges and Universities

The Welcome Corps introduced Welcome Corps on Campus, enabling colleges and universities to resettle refugee students. This initiative seeks to offer education and career opportunities to refugee students and could pave the way for similar programs worldwide.

Source: National Immigration Forum

Rumor: Biden Administration Weighing Refugee Program for Non-Mexicans in Mexico

U.S. and Mexican officials are reportedly discussing a potential refugee program for non-Mexican asylum seekers in Mexico. If implemented, this program could provide legal avenues for migration for refugees from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Source: Reuters

Migrant Encounters at Southern Border at Two-Year Lows

The Customs and Border Protection reported a significant decrease in migrant encounters at the US-Mexico border, attributing the decline to enforcing consequences and providing lawful pathways. However, the recent overturning of asylum policies may impact these numbers.

Canada Targets Students and Workers Stuck in H1-B Lottery

Canada opened visa slots to attract skilled workers and international students who were unsuccessful in the U.S. H1-B lottery, highlighting the challenges in the current H1-B system.

Source: Forbes

Supreme Court Rules on Immigration-Related Cases

The Supreme Court ruled that states cannot sue the federal government to enforce specific immigration policies and upheld a law criminalizing the encouragement of undocumented immigration.

Source: Politico

Federal Judge Blocks New Biden Asylum Policy

A federal judge blocked the Biden administration’s rule disqualifying certain asylum seekers who entered the U.S. without an appointment. The rule aims to curb unauthorized crossings but has faced legal challenges.

Source: Los Angeles Times

Explore Previous Immigration Updates

June 2023 Immigration Update

June 2023 Immigration Update

FY 2024 Budget Process Continues 

The Budget Process for FY2024 is under way in the U.S. Congress. Global Cleveland and our partners at the National Partnership for New Americans, alongside dozens of other regional/national non-profits are encouraging Congress to include additional Backlog Reduction funding for United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This is in addition to an expansion to the funding for the USCIS Citizenship and Integration Grant program which supports the work of agencies and non-profits around the country seeking to help new Americans prepare for and successfully apply for U.S. Citizenship. 

Regional Processing Centers for Central/South American Migrants open in Guatemala and Puerto Rico  

In April 2023, the Biden-Harris Administration announced that as part of their post Title 42 strategy they would be opening Regional Processing Centers for Central/South American Migrants in countries around Central/South America 

On June 12th, the first two of these centers opened in Guatemala and Costa Rica with a third facility planned to open in Colombia in the next few months 

  • These centers will not allow any migrants to apply for a status in the United States, but rather will inform them if they are eligible for any legal status, temporary or permanent. 
  • This is an attempt to dissuade migrants who will be ineligible for admittance to the United States from making the long dangerous journey to the U.S.-Mexico Border. 
  • The effectiveness of these centers will be seen in the coming months and years as they begin working with migrants. 

Reparole Process for Afghan Allies Detailed and Opened  

On June 8th, USCIS formally unveiled the process for Afghan Allies who arrived as part of Operation Allies Welcome to apply for reparole in the United States and extension of their Employment Authorization for two years. This process will be fee-exempted and will only requiring the online or paper filing of an I-131 form.  

  • Any Afghan parolee who has applied for asylum or adjustment to permanent residence is ineligible to apply for reparole as they will be considered for it automatically alongside their application for a permanent immigration status.  
  • Any current Afghan parolee who has not applied for a permanent status or has applied for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is eligible for the new reparole process and extension of their employment authorization.  

This parole process opened on June 8th and all eligible Afghan Parolees are able to apply. Please visit the USCIS portal for Afghan newcomers for more information: Information for Afghan Nationals | USCIS 

Below is an official walkthrough video of the online reparole application process provided by USCIS. 

TPS Extension for El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, and Nicaragua Announced 

On June 13th, 2023 the Biden-Harris Administration announced that they would be extending Temporary Protected Status for individuals from El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, and Nicaragua currently benefitting from the program. Approximately 337,000 people, will benefit from this relief and will be able to apply to remain in the United States for another 18 months. 

Pilot Program for Visa Renewal 

Reuters reported that the Biden-Harris Administrations new pilot program to allow some H1-B and L-1 workers in the United States to renew their visas here in the United States rather than travel back to their home country. 

  • This pilot program will be available to some Indian H1-B and L-1 workers. 
  • This program has the ability to allow foreign workers here in the United States to avoid thousands of dollars in travel costs.  
  • If this Pilot program is successful we may see it expanded to include more foreign workers here in the United States and make it easier for these people to build their lives here in the U.S. and contribute to the U.S Economy. 
  • Link to Reuters Report: Exclusive: US to ease visas for skilled Indian workers as Modi visits | Reuters 

First Welcome Corps Refugees Arrive on World Refugee Day 

Back in January, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the Welcome Corps program to allow private U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents to sponsor refugees to come to United States  

In June 2023 the United States Supreme Court decided a key immigration related Supreme Court Case: U.S v Texas  

In short, the State of Texas sued the Biden-Harris Administration and the Department of Homeland Security over the DHS deportation enforcement priorities emphasizing the deportation of convicted criminals over that of other undocumented migrants. The court ruled 8-1 in favor of the Federal Government upholding precedent that immigration enforcement priorities are decision of the Federal Executive Branch, not state governments or the court system.  

The decision in U.S. v Texas was announced on Friday June 23rd, 2023. 

Explore Previous Immigration Updates

May 2023 Immigration Update

May 2023 Immigration Update

The End of Title 42 

The pandemic ended Public Health Policy Title 42 ended earlier this month on Thursday May 11th. For clarity the summary of the rule from last months update has been reincluded.  

On April 27th 2023, The Biden-Harris administration announced a sweeping series of new actions and changes to DHS policy as part of the U.S. Government Adjustment to the end of Title 42 on May 11th, 2023. 

Changes of great note are include:

  • Imposing Stiffer Consequences for Unlawful Border Crossings
    • Rapid expulsion of all caught unlawfully crossing the border under Title 8 
    • 5-year ban of legal entry into the United States 
    • Banned from pursuing Asylum Claims 
  • Proposed Solutions to Limit Unlawful Crossings 
    • Expansion of Access to CBPOne phone application for asylum appointments 
    • Note: So far, the CBPOne app has mostly been nonfunctional or overwhelmed as reported by multiple independent Media outlets. Long term effectiveness of CBPOne as primary means of seeking asylum in the United States is questionable. 
  • Doubling of Refugee Admissions from Western Hemisphere 
  • Creation of a family reunification process through Humanitarian Parole for people from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Colombia. 
    • Note: Similar programs have shown effectives in the short-term for migrants from Haiti, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba, however there has been strong Republican opposition to these programs and whether this would survive an administration change calls into question long-term viability 
  • Humanely Manage Migrant Flows with Partners 
    • Processing Centers in Latin American countries to process people’s claims before they arrive at the U.S Southern Border. First two facilities intended for Colombia and Guatemala
    • Note: This idea may help prevent the overwhelming problems at the U.S. Border long-term and could become an effective part of U.S. Immigration Policy, however there are legitimate concerns about government capacity to do this effectively and without violating due process.  
  • Increase anti-smuggling operations and increase deportations for quote “those with no lawful basis to stay in the United States” 
    • Note: The effects this will have in practice remain to be seen. Deportation numbers and apprehension and expulsion of migrants at the border are already at or near all-time highs. Punitive expulsion and deportation policies of shown little effectives in terms of dissuasion under any administration over the last few decades.  

What has happened since the End of Title 42? 

  • Unauthorized border crossings and individuals seeking asylum at the border have both gone down since Title 42 ended, likely because of the harsher penalties that the return of Title 8 means for those who cross the border. 
    • With people still waiting in Mexico and arriving in Mexico from Central and South America how long this acts as a deterrent remains to be seen. 
  • The long-term effects of the new asylum policies remain to be seen however the rules are being challenged in court by the ACLU. 
  • Border Apprehensions remain down more than 3 weeks out from the end of Title 42 
  • The State of Texas and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton are suing the Federal Government over the use of the CBP One app to allow asylum seekers to get asylum appointments at ports of entry – Original Complaint.pdf (texasattorneygeneral.gov) 
    • The State of Texas is arguing that by providing this option that Federal government is encouraging people without a legal pathway to immigration to come to the United States 

Reparole for Afghan Nationals

    • Without this program tens of thousands of Afghan Allies would have been at risk of losing their legal status and work authorization 
    • To be clear this is NOT an automatic process, Afghans must apply for reparole either online or on paper starting in June 2023. 
      • Please visit the USCIS website to keep track of updates info on the full process if you need to apply for reparole or are assisting someone applying for reparole 

Updates on Parole Processes for Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, and Haitians 

Secure the Border Act of 2023 – The GOP border bill introduced in April

  • Passed House of Representatives 
  • Similar legislation being considered in the United States Senate 

Santos-Zacaria v Garland 

Explore Previous Immigration Updates

April 2023 Immigration Update

April 2023 Immigration Update

Fairness to Freedom Act

On 4/18/2023 Senators Gillibrand and Booker, as well as Representatives Jayapal, Torres, and Meng introduced the Fairness to Freedom Act in both houses of Congress. The Fairness to Freedom Act is a product of a partnership between National Partnership for New Americans and the VERA Institute for Justice. This act being introduced for the first time seeks to accomplish 2 primary goals:

  • The establishment of right to counsel in immigration court as a federal right 
  • Secondly, to provide funding for and guidelines for the creation of a system to provide individuals in immigration who cannot afford representation with legal representation. 

There is substantial evidence that one of the greatest factors in determining the result of deportation proceedings, asylum hearings, and other immigration court functions is whether or not the migrant has legal counsel. This bill seeks to make a fairer immigration court process and ensure that all regardless of economic status receive fair hearings and equitable results in immigration courts.  

New Border and Immigration Bill

(AIC Explanation) GOP’s Extreme Border Bill Rejects Solutions and Embraces Ending Asylum (immigrationimpact.com) 

The bill has a laundry list of potentially negative provisions, including, but not limited to, the following: 

  • Creation of Mandatory Fees for Asylum Applications 
  • Forbidding most asylum seekers to apply for asylum if the have not applied for asylum while in transit through 3rd countries
  • Increased detention and expulsion of unaccompanied minors 
  • Creation of new federal criminal charges for individuals who have overstayed a visa 
    • 1st offense up to 6 months in jail 
    • 2nd offense up to 2 years in prison 
  • Forbidding all Asylum claims for those who do not cross at a port of entry 
  • Essentially eliminate Humanitarian Parole by redefining to only include individuals with an acute medical need or who need to attend a family funeral 

Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act

Representatives Jayapal and Smith, as well as Senator Booker, introduced the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act in the House and the Senate. The objective of this bill is to create new standards for immigration detention that fall in line with international human rights standards and respects the dignity of the human person. 

Below are a list of provisions included in the bill if it were to pass sourced from Rep Jayapal’s website:

  • Repeal mandatory detention
  • Prohibit the detention of families and children in family detention 
  • Phase-out the use of private detention facilities and jails over a three-year period 
  • Create a presumption of release and impose a higher burden of proof to detain primary caregivers and vulnerable populations, including asylum seekers, pregnant women, LGBTQ individuals, survivors of torture or gender-based violence, and people under the of age 21
  • Prohibit the detention of anyone under age 18 in a facility operated or contracted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
  • Require DHS to establish civil detention standards that provide, at minimum, the level of protection in the American Bar Association’s Civil Immigration Detention Standards
  • Mandate the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to conduct unannounced inspections with meaningful penalties for failure to comply with standards

Expansion of ACA to Include DACA Recipients

In a move over a decade coming, the Biden-Harris announced that DACA recipients will be eligible to get healthcare through the Affordable Care Act.  

  • Previously over 1/3 of DACA recipients were uninsured so the expansion of coverage here will help hundreds of thousands across the country
  • There are over 100,000 DACA recipients in Ohio 

Full Announcement of Biden Administration Asylum Rule for May 11th  

On April 27th 2023, The Biden-Harris administratio announced a sweeping series of new actions and changes to DHS policy as part of the U.S. Government Adjustment to the end of Title 42 on May 11th, 2023. Access the Fact Sheet.

Changes of note include:

  • Imposing Stiffer Consequences for Unlawful Border Crossings 
    • Rapid expulsion of all caught unlawfully crossing the border under Title 8 
    • 5-year ban of legal entry into the United States 
    • Banned from pursuing Asylum Claims 
  • Proposed Solutions to Limit Unlawful Crossings 
    • Expansion of Access to CBPOne phone application for asylum appointments 
      • Note: So far, the CBPOne app has mostly been nonfunctional or overwhelmed as reported by multiple independent Media outlets. Long term effectiveness of CBPOne as primary means of seeking asylum in the United States is questionable. 
    • Doubling of Refugee Admissions from Western Hemisphere 
    • Creation of a family reunification process through Humanitarian Parole for people from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Colombia.  
      • Note: Similar programs have shown effectives in the short-term for migrants from Haiti, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba, however there has been strong Republican opposition to these programs and whether this would survive an administration change calls into question long-term viability 
  • Humanely Manage Migrant Flows with Partners 
    • Processing Centers in Latin American countries to process people’s claims before they arrive at the U.S Southern Border. First two facilities intended for Colombia and Guatemala  
      • Note: This idea may help prevent the overwhelming problems at the U.S. Border long-term and could become an effective part of U.S. Immigration Policy, however there are legitimate concerns about government capacity to do this effectively and without violating due process.  
    • Increase anti-smuggling operations and increase deportations for quote “those with no lawful basis to stay in the United States” 
      • Note: The effects this will have in practice remain to be seen. Deportation numbers and apprehension and expulsion of migrants at the border are already at or near all-time highs. Punitive expulsion and deportation policies of shown little effectives in terms of dissuasion under any administration over the last few decades.  

Explore Previous Immigration Updates

March 2023 Immigration Update

March 2023 Immigration Update

New Deal for New Americans Act Reintroduced

Global Cleveland is proud to be an endorsing organization on the New Deal for New Americans Act. The New Deal for New Americans proposes a number of significant policy changes including:

  • Creating a Federal Office of New Americans whose job it would be to work on and propose solutions to immigrants facing issues
  • Establishing multiple grant programs that would provide funding for naturalization and permanent residence applications, English education, and workforce programming
  • Increasing refugee admissions levels, remove financial barriers to citizenship, create an automatic voter registration at naturalization, among others

Fairness to Freedom Act to be Introduced in Congress in April

This act being introduced for the first time seeks to accomplish two primary goals:

  • To establish the right to counsel in immigration court as a federal right
  • To provide funding for and guidelines for the creation of a system to provide individuals in immigration who cannot afford representation with legal representation

There is substantial evidence that one of the greatest factors in determining the result of deportation proceedings, asylum hearings, and other immigration court functions is whether or not the migrant has legal counsel. This bill seeks to make a fairer immigration court process and ensure that all regardless of economic status receive fair hearings and equitable results in immigration courts.

Texas Senator John Cornyn proposing a potential legislative veto on the Process for Cuban, Venezuelans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans

As we mentioned in our January Newsletter, the Biden-Harris administration as part of their effort to relief tension at the border began a new Humanitarian-Parole process for Cubans, Venezuelans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans comparable to the U4U parole process for Ukrainians. Senator John Cornyn is preparing to bring a challenge against this executive action in the legislature. If it were to pass with a simple majority in both houses of congress, than the Process for Cubans, Venezuelans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans would end.

U.S. and Canada Announce Shared new Asylum Policy for the U.S.-Canada Border

This deal contains a large number of details, but fundamentally it means harsher punishments for migrants crossing the border between ports of entry both ways on the U.S. Canada Border. This will mean greater enforcement and more deportations on the U.S. Northern Border It also means that a migrant who arrives in Canada most apply for asylum in Canada and cannot cross to United States and claim asylum, and vice versa. The intent is to discourage border crossings as the rate at the North Border has steadily been increasing over the last year. Its effectiveness remains to be seen. As part of the deal the Canadian government has agreed to accept an additional 15,000 per year migrants from Central and South America. 

Official Gov. Factsheet 

USCIS Redesignates TPS for Somalia 

All Somalians residing in the United States as of January 11,2023 are eligible to apply or reapply for TPS. This redesignation has been implemented as of March 18, 2023 and will expire on September 17, 2024 

Secretary Mayorkas Extends and Redesignates Somalia for Temporary Protected Status for 18 Months | Homeland Security (dhs.gov) 

Reparole of Ukrainians  

Prior to the implementation of the Uniting for Ukraine parole program last summer, over 20,000 Ukrainians were admitted to the United States at the Southern Border. Unlike Ukrainians that came later through the Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) program and received a 2-year legal status and work authorization, those who came during March and April of 2022 only received a 1-year legal status and work authorization. The Biden-Harris Administration has announced that they will be reviewing and reparoling Ukrainians who came before U4U was implemented and are at risk of losing their legal status and work authorization this Spring. 

U.S. to extend legal stay of Ukrainian refugees processed along Mexican border – CBS News 

As a reminder, many Afghans who were given 2-year parole after the U.S. Withdrawal in 2021 are facing a similar concern this fall. Tens of thousands of these Afghans have yet to receive a permanent legal status. The Afghan Adjustment Act in congress was supposed to avert this crisis by creating a path to permanent status. However, after it failed to pass last year and it is looking doubtful that it will pass this year, the Biden-Harris Administration may need to step in to avert the crisis of tens of thousands of Afghans losing their work status and deportation protections. 

Potential Resumption of Family Detention Processes

Multiple unnamed sources with the Department of Homeland Security and USCIS leaked to the press that the Biden-Harris administration is considering a resumption of Family detention at immigration facilities along the U.S.-Mexico Border. Family Detention was started by the Obama-Biden Administration in 2014 and continued under the Trump-Pence Administration until the Biden-Harris Administration ended in early 2021.

Many immigration experts believe that the resumption of Family Detention would be a major misstep. It was found to be inhumane, with conditions in facilities being severely lacking, and the program was also very costly.

USCIS Ends Pandemic Related Paperwork Deadline Flexibility

During the COVID-19 Pandemic USCIS provided deadline flexibility for those who filled paperwork with the agency. This flexibility has come to an end as of March 23rd, 2023. Applications for extensions in individual circumstances will still be considered on a case-by-case basis.

USCIS Announces New Service Center

USCIS has announced a new Humanitarian, Adjustment, Removing Conditions, and Travel Documents (HART) Service Center. This center is the sixth USCIS service center and will focus on handling applications and processes related to Humanitarian Visas, status adjustment, removing conditions for visa holders, and issuing travel documents to non-citizens.

February 2023 Immigration Update

February 2023 Immigration Update

Welcome Corps

Disclaimer: The information provided in this video does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available in this video are for general informational purposes only. Information may not constitute the most up-to-date information.

Senate Introduces 2023 Version of the DREAM Act

Senator Lindsay Graham (R- South Carolina) and Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) reintroduced the DREAM Act to the Senate on February 9th, 2023. If passed into law, the DREAM Act would provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who came into the country as minors and colloquially known as Dreamers.

Biden-Harris Administration announces end to COVID-19 Pandemic Health Emergency Declaration 

Title 42, the current health policy used to rapidly expel asylum seekers and other migrants at the Southern Border, will end with expiration of COVID-19 Emergency Status. Title 42 is a health and safety policy it has effectively been used as a de facto immigration policy for the last 3 years. 

  • Title 42 allows for the closure of ports of entry and rapid expulsion of individuals crossing the border, ostensibly to prevent the spread of disease 
  • The last two Presidential administrations have used Title 42 to expulse asylum seekers caught crossing the border 
  • A Title 42 expulsion is not the same as a formal deportation order and bears none of the same long-term legal ramifications 
  • As a result, the use of Title 42 was relatively ineffective as many individuals who were apprehended and expulsed were apprehended again, sometime multiple times, as people tried to cross the border again with days or weeks of their initial apprehension and expulsion

This will have a major impact implantation of rules and security regulations at the border.

Biden-Harris Administration proposes new Asylum policy

With Title 42 moving out of effect in May the Biden-Harris Administration has announced a new 153-page rule on Asylum Policy to attempt and prevent the Asylum system from being overloaded immediately. This new rule is similar to several Trump-Pence policies that would have placed eligibility limits on asylum seekers, however the Trump-Pence era rules were struck down for unconstitutionality.

These new policies raise some concerns for asylum seekers:

  • Lack of reliable access to internet connection for asylum seekers to set appointments 
  • High demand for appointments and low availability is making it very difficult for full families with children to acquire an adequate number of appointment slots 
  • The exemption for Unaccompanied Minors may lead to more desperate families sending children alone to try and get across and get access to Asylum procedures 

State of the Union Address

During his State of the Union Address, President Biden encouraged both Houses of Congress to Act on Immigration Reform, specifically pushing for passage of the DREAM Act

Update on Special Process for Venezuelans, Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans

A group of states, led by Texas, are suing the Biden-Harris Administration to end this program. DHS has reported that over 7,000 people have applied through sponsorship through this program, with over 1,700 having already been resettled as Humanitarian Parolees in the United States.

January 2023 Immigration Update

January 2023 Immigration Update

The Afghan Adjustment Act Fails To Pass In Congress

The Afghan Adjustment Act, which would provide a path to permanent residency for over 70,000 Afghans evacuated from Kabul, and expand protections for those left behind in Afghanistan, has failed to pass at the end of the last congressional session. We hope to see this bill passed in the next Congress.

USCIS Proposes Changes to Naturalization Fees

USCIS has proposed a hike in fees. If approved, it will cause naturalization fees to go up 18 to 20 percent. In the most extreme case, green card fees with travel documentation and work authorization to rise from $1,225 to $2,820.

Task Force on New Americans Reestablished

The Task Force on New Americans has been reestablished by the Biden Administration. It seeks to address five key areas for immigrants:

  • language learning and access
  • health and wellbeing
  • workforce development training
  • financial access and education
  • data and research

TPS Extension

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) has been extended and redesignated for 18 months for individuals from Haiti and Yemen already present in the United States as a result of continued conflict, natural disaster, and political instability.

Title 42 Expansion

The Biden-Harris administration has expanded Title 42 to immediately expel nationals from Nicaragua, Cuba, and Haiti from the U.S., expediting removal and while establishing a limited parole process for individuals from these nations and Venezuela. The limited parole process allows migrants to enter the US legally with a financial-based sponsor. There is a monthly cap of up to 30,000 admissions.

Welcome Corps

On January 19th, the Biden-Harris administration launched Welcome Corps, a private sponsorship program for refugees coming to United States. Private sponsor groups of five or more individuals will be able to sponsor refugees.