June 2024 Immigration Update

June 2024 Immigration Update

Want to keep up with immigration news in the U.S.? Every month, Global Cleveland publishes our immigration update so that you can stay informed about the latest immigration news.

This month’s Immigration Update at a glance:

  • Ex-President Donald Trump proposed giving green cards to non-citizens who graduate college
  • Biden Eases Visa Process for US Grads and Dreamers
  • Biden Executive Order Limits Asylum Seeking

Ohio Legislators Introduce Bill to Mandate E-Verify

  • Ohio lawmakers introduced House Bill 327, which would require public works contractors, nonresidential construction contractors, and businesses with more than 75 employees in the state to use E-Verify to confirm that employees are legally authorized to work in the United States.
  • E-Verify is a federal system that matches an I-9 document to government records to ensure that they have legal authorization to work in the country.
  • The bill had support from both parties in the house, some of whom said that it could crack down on bad business practices, with one Rep highlighting companies in construction who take advantage of workers.

Ohio Bill Would Require College to Adapt Anti Racial, Ethnic, and Religious Harassment Policy

  • A bipartisan bill in the Ohio House of Representatives would require state universities to adapt and enforce a policy to prevent racial, religious, and ethnic harassment and intimidation
  • The bill, called the Enact Campus Act, follows a complaint made by several nonprofits and civil rights organizations against Ohio State, who said that Jewish students at the university faced antisemitic harassment and sometimes even violence since war broke out between Israel and Hamas on October 7th of last year.
  • The bill is sponsored by Republican Justin Pizzulli and Democrat Dontavius Jarrells.

Biden Executive Order Limits Asylum Seeking

Biden Announced New Policy for Undocumented Spouses

Border Patrol: Unauthorized crossings down after aslyum restrictions

  • Apprehensions involving illegal border crossings plummeted by almost half in the aftermath of President Biden’s executive order to restrict asylum access when border crossings reached a certain level
  • Border Patrol statistics showed that daily arrests by the Border Patrol have fallen below 2,400 on average, marking the lowest number since January of 2021.

Trump: Give College Graduates Green Cards

  • Former President Donald Trump proposed giving green cards to non-citizens who graduate college in an interview on the All-In Podcast.
  • “What I want to do and what I will do is you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country,” Trump said. “And that includes junior colleges, too.”
  • Trump said that without being able to stay here, many foreign students return to their home countries, creating companies there.

Biden Eases Visa Process for US Grads and Dreamers

  • A new Biden administration policy eases the path towards getting a work visa for foreign nationals educated here.
  • The policy would prioritize graduates from US Colleges and Universities who are working in the same field they were educated for, would prioritize ‘national interest’ skills and would provide certainty to the waiver process for those with prior unlawful presence in the US
  • DACA recipients are eligible for this if they meet the requirements

USCIS Adds Overseas Field Offices in Middle East

SCOTUS Limits US Citizens Abilities to Challenge Visa Denial

  • In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court found that US Citizens do not have the constitutional right to challenge their spouses visa denials.
  • The Case, Muñoz v. Dept. Of State, involved an American woman and her Salvadorian husband, who was denied a visa as the state department suspected him of having ties to organized crime, which her husband denied.
  • The Court decided that Muñoz could not challenge this visa denial, under the principle of consular nonreviewability, which limits the ways in which decisions by consular officials can be challenged in court.

Panama’s President-Elect Plans to Halt Darién Gap Crossings

  • Last Month, José Raúl Mulino was elected president of Panama
  • The Darién Gap, a remote and rugged forested area, separates Panama and Colombia. Impassible by road, it has emerged as a passageway on foot for migrants seeking to enter the US, but traversing the territory is often very dangerous.
  • Mulino has promised to close the Darién Gap to migrants and is seeking to work with President Biden’s administration to accomplish this. Mulino also said that he wants US funding to repatriate migrants, an idea that former US Ambassador to Panama John Feeley was supportive of.

Ecuador Suspends Visa-Free Access for Chinese Citizens

  • Ecuador’s Foreign ministry announced they would suspend their agreement with China that allowed them to visit the South American country without a visa.
  • The Foreign ministry noted that Ecuadorian authorities found that around half of Chinese nationals did not leave the country “through regular routes”, and many likely attempted to travel through Central America to the US.
  • The US-Mexico border has seen an increase in Chinese citizens trying to cross into the US over the past year and a half.

May 2024 Immigration Update

May 2024 Immigration Update

Want to keep up with immigration news in the U.S.? Every month, Global Cleveland publishes our immigration update so that you can stay informed about the latest immigration news.

This month’s Immigration Update at a glance:

  • Boundless Immigration reported the number of visas issued by the us in the first half of this fiscal year had reached a record high
  • The Biden administration unveiled a new plan to speed up the immigration court cases of certain single adults caught crossing the US Mexico border without authorization to do so
  • The Cato Institute, a libertarian leaning thinktank, reported that immigrants seeking an employer sponsored green card faced a wait time of over three years

Employer Sponsored Green Card Processing Takes Three Years, Think Tank Reports

  • The Cato Institute, a libertarian leaning thinktank, reported that immigrants seeking an employer sponsored green card faced a wait time of over three years

  • This is a significant worsening of the situation over the last decade and the process has become 15 months longer than it was in 2016.

  • The report warned that the US would risk “los(ing) the global talent competition” if changes were not made to streamline the system

  • https://www.cato.org/blog/employer-sponsored-green-card-processing-takes-31-years

DeWine Calls Legislator Back into Session

USCIS Expands STEM Professionals Green Card Opportunities

  • The US Citizenship and Immigration Services updated the eligibility of people for a streamlined green card process, which is geared toward individuals with “exceptional ability” in STEM fields
  • The changes expand the definition of “science or art” to enable a broader range of STEM professionals to qualify.
  • The Schedule A, Group II process, of which these applicants can be a part, offers a faster and simpler process to obtain a green card
  • https://www.boundless.com/blog/uscis-expands-green-card-eligibility-for-stem-professionals/

Federal Government Seeks to Speed Up Immigration Cases

  • The Biden administration unveiled a new plan to speed up the immigration court cases of certain single adults caught crossing the US Mexico border without authorization to do so.
  • Single adults with court dates in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City will be eligible to be put in a special docket with the aim of resolving their case in 180 days
  • At least ten judges will be placed in the new program initially
  • DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the program would not be a substitute for a legislative solution
  • https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-speed-up-immigration-cases-recent-border-crossers-new-program-2024-05-16/

US Sanctions Nicaragua for Migrant Smuggling, Political Repression

  • The US government sanctioned 250 Nicaraguan government officials and three organizations on their grounds that they had repressed human rights in the country and had permitted human smuggling in the country’s territory.
  • The government of Daniel Ortega, who has been in power for two different periods going back to 1979, has been accused of violently suppressing political opposition by means of extrajudicial killings, death squads, and suppression of peaceful protest.
  • Nicaragua lies on one of the main migrant routes to the US, and some smugglers have promoted routes through the country online.
  • https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/us-imposes-visa-restrictions-other-penalties-nicaraguan-government-2024-05-15/

US Issued “Record Number” of Visas so Far in 2024

  • Boundless Immigration reported the number of visas issued by the us in the first half of this fiscal year had reached a record high.
  • Among the categories of visa hitting record highs are:
    • Visitor visas for tourism or business travel (B-1s and B-2s)
    • H-2 visas, for temporary seasonal workers
    • Employment based green cards, which, while small in number, represented a major increase (75% over 2019)
    • Family reunification visas
    • J and F visas for academic and cultural exchanges
  • https://www.boundless.com/blog/state-department-record-number-visas-first-half-fiscal-year-2024/

Biden Opens Up ACA to DACA Recipients

  • President Joe Biden issued an order amending the definition of “lawfully present” to include recipients of the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA)
  • The change makes the recipients eligible to enroll in health insurance under the Affordable Care Act
  • DACA is a policy allowing for immigrants who came to the US as children and are here without lawful immigrant status to avoid deportation
  • DACA has been subject to court challenges at various times in the past decade
  • https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/03/biden-obamacare-daca-00155881

Bipartisan Bill Seeks to Allow International Student Athletes to Benefit from NIL by Modifying F-1 Visas

  • A bipartisan and bicameral group of lawmakers, including Reps. Mike Flood (R-Texas), Valerie Foushee (D-NC), and Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Pete Ricketts (R-Nebraska) introduced a bill allowing international student athletes to benefit from Name, Image, and Likeness revenue
  • Back in 2021, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) adapted a new policy allowing student athletes to earn money from their name, image, or likeness, such as endorsing a product and being paid to do so.
  • However, International Students, who are usually here on an F-1 visa, are prohibited from doing so.
  • The bill, called the Name, Image, and Likeness for International Collegiate Athletes Act, would change the laws surrounding the F-1 visa to enable students to make money from NIL agreements without affecting their visa status.
  • https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2024/05/14/nil-name-image-likeness

Border Bill Fails to Advance in Senate

  • A border security bill rooted in the unsuccessful aid and border security package negotiated this year failed to advance out of the Senate amid GOP opposition
  • The bill would raise standards for migrants to qualify for asylum, give the president power to shut down the border entirely if border crossings reached certain thresholds, and empowered border control officials to quickly dismiss asylum seekers who fail to meet certain standards
  • Several members of the Senate who had supported the bill in principle voted no on this vote, claiming the vote was a political stunt.
  • Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson has stated his opposition to the proposal.
  • https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-block-border-security-bill-campaign-border-chaos-rcna153607

Georgia Governor Signs House Bill 1105

Blackburn Calls for Deporting of Student Protesters

  • Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn called for the US government to revoke the visas of international students sympathetic to Hamas.
  • Blackburn cited slogans including “We are Hamas” and “River to the sea” as examples
  • Campuses across the country have seen widespread protests over the Israel Hamas War
  • Blackburn introduced a bill that would ban such protesters who were convicted of crimes from having their student loans forgiven, but it does not appear to contain a provision about international students or immigration. Blackburn’s proposal to designate them as being on the No-Fly list also does not show up in the bill
  • https://thehill.com/policy/international/4634492-gop-senator-calls-for-deporting-certain-foreign-student-protesters/

Key Provision of Florida Immigration Law Blocked

  • US District Judge Roy Altman temporarily blocked parts of a Florida immigration bill that would prohibit the transportation of an undocumented immigrant into Florida.
  • Altman, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, said that the law “extends beyond the state’s authority to make arrests for violations of federal immigration law”
  • A spokesperson for the Florida Attorney General said the state would appeal the ruling
  • https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/22/ron-desantis-immigration-court-case-00159552

SCOTUS to Review Case on Spouse Visas

  • The case Bouarfa v. Mayorkas will go to the Supreme Court
  • The case involves Amina Bouarfa, a US Citizen who is married to a non-citizen who had attempted to get a visa through a previous marriage. Bouarfa’s petition for her husband was denied on these grounds. Bouafara sued the Secretary of Homeland Security in federal court
  • The court will hear the question on whether US courts can review a visa revocation.
  • https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/justices-consider-juridical-review-for-sham-marriage-finding

Cleveland's Healthcare Shortage - Here's Our Solution

The Healthcare Shortage In Cleveland

Cleveland may be renowned around the world for our exceptional healthcare providers and hospitals, but it is no secret that Ohio is experiencing a demand for physicians.

In fact, the data shows that workforce shortages in healthcare aren’t unique to Northeast Ohio; they are affecting the entirety of the U.S. Because of the absolute necessity of accessible, quality healthcare for each and every person, addressing this situation isn’t just important, it’s crucial.

In Northeast Ohio, our population and workforce continues to dwindle, falling to keep pace with our region’s growing needs. The report, Aligning Opportunities in the Northeast Ohio Region, found that from 2001-2019, the region’s population dropped by 173,000 people. In that same time frame, Northeast Ohio’s labor force dropped by 156,000.

While shortages exist in a variety of our industries, including manufacturing and IT, healthcare leads the region in demand. According to Aligning Opportunities in the Northeast Ohio Region, approximately 7,842 entry-level healthcare positions went unfilled in 2019. In order to align our state’s demand for healthcare workers with our population growth, our workforce must expand 8% by 2030.

The U.S. could see a shortage of as many as 139,000 physicians by 2033

The U.S. needs an additional 23,000 surgeons by 2032

By 2025, Ohio is expected to be short 1,200 primary care physicians

7 in 10 Ohio nurses are considering leaving the profession​

Ohio has a shortage of 627 dentists

The longer life expectancy for the population, as well as the trend of an aging population, will cause an even greater demand for healthcare practitioners. In fact, he Population Reference Bureau projects that from 2022-2050, the number of Americans ages 65 and older will increase by 47%, making their share of the total population rise from 17% to 23%. They also reported that, based on the median age across the country, the U.S. population is older today than it has ever been.

The projected demand for healthcare workers by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics can also be explained by healthcare professionals leaving the profession due to retirement. The Migration Policy Institute reports that “18 percent of physicians, surgeons, and registered nurses are within ten years of expected retirement (meaning they were between ages 55 and 64) as of 2021.”

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that between 2021 and 2023, healthcare occupations will account for 2 million of the 8.3 million jobs created in the United States.

As the need for healthcare workers continues to escalate, people are beginning to ask, “how do we fill this gap?” Data shows that new births in our country will not be enough to fill our needs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the birth rate in the U.S. has reached a historic low, decreasing by 3% from 2022. They report that from 2014-2022, the birth rate has consistently decreased by 2% every year.

In summary:

  • Northeast Ohio is experiencing continuous population and workforce decline.
  • The birthrate in the U.S. is at a historic low.
  • The demand for healthcare professionals is rapidly growing.
  • Medical professionals are aging and retiring at a high rate.
  • The U.S. population is trending older, bringing with it an increased demand for healthcare.

This begs the question: where will we find workers to fill the demand for an aging population that is losing workforce and having less children than ever before?

The Solution to Northeast Ohio's Healthcare Worker Shortage: IMGs

Where is our solution to the healthcare shortage? It lies in International Medical Graduates (IMGs).

An IMG is an individual who completed their medical schooling outside of the United States or Canada. This categorization of healthcare professionals can include native-born Americans that received medical training outside of the country, but it most often describes individuals who were both born and educated outside of the U.S. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reported that nearly 90% of IMGs are non-U.S. born, and over 75% of that population come from low-resource, developing nations.

IMGs already make up a significant portion of the country’s physician workforce. NIH found that IMGs make up a quarter, or 25%, of the physician workforce in America.

While IMGs make up a smaller population of the medical field when compared to U.S. Medical Graduates, they are growing at a faster rate than their native-born counterparts. The American College of Physicians reports that from 2010-2021, the number of U.S. Medical Graduates increased by 15%. During that same time, the number of IMGs in the healthcare field increased by 18%.

The American College of Physicians report the disbursement of IMGs to be 32% in the South, 28% in the Northeast, 20% in the Midwest, 17% in the west, and 3% in territories and military bases. They also report an increase in female IMGs from 25% to 45% between 1990 and 2014.

Not only are IMGs filling crucial gaps in our workforce, they also make up a significant portion of the population educating the next generation of medical workers. Out of around 80,000 academic physicians in the U.S., more than 18% are IMGs, reports the Annals of Internal Medicine.

International Medical Graduates and Visas

The United States is failing to prioritize the attraction of new IMGs, and with the aging trend of our population and the low birthrate, seeking to grow our population with international newcomers is essential. While foreign-born workers in healthcare can enter the United States via a variety of visas, one of the most common temporary visas for an IMG to obtain is called an H-1B. The H1-B visa is designated for those who work in specialty occupations.

The Migration Policy Institute reported that out of the 123,400 H1-B petitions approved in fiscal year 2021, only 5,600 went to healthcare and medical occupations and only 2,800 went to physicians and surgeons.

IMGs are being underutilized. While we face a staffing shortage in healthcare, approximately 270,000 immigrants with a college degree in healthcare faced skill underutilization (working in a lower-skilled job) or unemployment, reports the Migration Policy Institute.

International Medical Graduates and Residency Requirements

Once in the U.S., many IMGs face another challenge: obtaining a medical residency.

For medical graduates seeking to become physicians, they need to complete a medical residency. In the U.S., the process of pairing a medical graduate with a residency is called The Match, or matching, short for the National Matching Program.

A study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that IMGs were three times as likely to be selected into community programs instead of university programs for residency, citing that departmental pressure, concerns surrounding reputation, and priority given to certain institutes were some of the reasons that IMGs were not chosen for university programs.

The National Library of Medicine published an article stating that, “[IMGs] must build a highly competitive profile aiming for a barely equal chance of matching their US peers.”

For example, data published by the National Matching Program shows how internal medicine IMGs are matched with residencies of their chosen specialty far less often than U.S. peers with the same Step 1 score.

IMGs can also face a delay in joining the healthcare field in the U.S. depending on the level of medicine they seek to practice and the licensure it requires.

State Regulations for IMGs

States are varied in their approach to IMGs. Many have taken to submitting new legislation to get IMGs working in our healthcare system faster, while still maintaining quality of care.

Washington IMG Bill

Washington state passed legislation in 2021 that gives IMGs a temporary license to practice.

Requirements include:

  • Working under an already licensed doctor
  • Have passed the USMLE exam
  • English proficient

This license can be renewed.

Washington passed an IMG bill in 2019, and significantly expanded it in 2021. They are already seeing positive results from their IMG legislation.

Alabama IMG Bill

A Republican standalone bill for IMGs was passed in Alabama in 2023. This bill:

  • Allows IMGs to apply for a temporary renewable license one year earlier during their training
  • Eliminates the Special Purpose Exam (SPEX), an additional test
  • Creates a program for grads who were not Matched into a residency program to train under a licensed Alabama physician

Illinois IMG Bill

In 2023, Illinois signed into legislation two bills that will help break down barriers for IMGs to practice in the U.S. As Upwardly Global reports, the legislature created an alternative, permanent pathway for IMGs to obtain full licensure. They also created an ombudsman position, that will help IMGs navigate relicensing. Illinois will be able to “issue limited licenses to international medical graduates (IMGs) who are fully licensed physicians in their country of origin. These IMGs will be able to practice in the state under the direct supervision of an Illinois licensed physician,” according to the Illinois State Medical Society.

Furthermore, the Illinois House Health Care Licenses Committee passed a bill in April 2024 creating a clinical readiness program. This will help IMGs find a residency program in Illinois, which will help IMGs get working, and also increase the likelihood that the IMG will practice in the state after their residency.

Tennessee IMG Bill

Tennessee signed into law in 2023 a bill that will allow IMGs skip residency by instead getting a 2-year provisional license at a healthcare facility with an accredited residency program.

The IMGs can bypass residency if:

  • They receive an offer of employment from a residency hospital
  • They have obtained certification by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
  • They pass the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Step 1 and 2 CK
  • They have completed a 3-year residency at an accredited international program

IMGs will then receive a full-license after two years.

The New England Journal of Medicine released an article claiming that Tennessee law “…offers a model for attracting IMGs to practice in the United States.” In Tennessee Leads the Way in Removing Barriers to Foreign Doctors on the CATO Institute, the author said that Tennessee’s bill “…breaks down barriers that prevent foreign doctors from helping address the worsening physician shortage.”

What Ohio Can Learn from IMG Legislation

The legislation being adopted in states across the country comes from both sides of the political aisle, showing that this is not a partisan issue. The states also alter the legislation to best fit their needs, whether it be getting IMGs in the workforce faster, or supplying rural, understaffed areas with much needed medical care.

To put it simply, each state that has adopted IMG legislature for easier integration into their healthcare system has seen a success that we should try to emulate. If Ohio wants to maintain our industry-leading, competitive healthcare sector, it’s important that we keep pace with other states and their adoption of IMG legislation.

Supporting Newcomer Healthcare Workers

While actively advocating for IMG legislation, Global Cleveland continues to support the pursuits additional healthcare positions for international newcomers.

Our workforce team will make referrals to partners for healthcare careers in the following programs:

  • Phlebotomy
  • STNA
  • Community Health Worker
  • Medical Coding
  • Medical Assistant
  • Sterile Processing Tech

We also have strong relationships with resettlement partners who can connect international newcomers with entry-level jobs at University Hospital and Sodexo, including:

  • Nutrition Services
    • Meal Delivery
    • Dishwashing
    • Meal Dispatching
  • Facilities Management

Global Cleveland is aware of other sector workforce issues and different solutions could be advanced through partnership, including:

  • Nursing (re-credentialing and exchange)
  • Medical Innovation
  • Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act

Supporting IMGs in Northeast Ohio

Cleveland’s strongest sector is our healthcare, and we lead in this sector because of our ability to innovate, as well as attract talent from around the world.

If you’re committed to expanding our healthcare sector and filling the gaps in our workforce, we ask that you join us in voicing support for consideration of IMGs in our legislature and sharing this article and information about IMGs with your friends and colleagues.


If you are an organization or international newcomer interested in learning more, send us an email to connect with our team.

April 2024 Immigration Update

April 2024 Immigration Update

Want to keep up with immigration news in the U.S.? Every month, Global Cleveland publishes our immigration update so that you can stay informed about the latest immigration news.

This month’s Immigration Update at a glance:

  • USCIS Makes Changes to Streamline Social Security Card Process
  • House to Investigate Deportation Cases
  • Congress Aid Package Passes Without Immigration Provisions

Congress passes aid package without immigration provisions

House to Investigate 'Botched Deportation' cases

Reps seek accountability for death of people in immigration facilities

US Talking to China over Border Crossings

Biden, López Obrador, Pledge Joint Action on Border

  • US President Joe Biden and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced new measures to work closely together to reduce unauthorized border crossings.
  • The presidents said that they would have their national security teams work in concert to “significantly reduce irregular border crossings while protecting human rights”
  • While the administration did not disclose specifics on what this would mean it is believed that the measures could include more deportation flights and stronger enforcement measures directed towards the use of buses, railways, and airports for unauthorized border entry.
  • Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/29/us/politics/biden-mexico-illegal-immigration.html

H1B Lottery bids down

  • Bids for the H1B visa are down 38% in 2024 comapred to a similar figure at this time in 2023.
  • However, this is believed to be because of a crackdown on fraud. It is thought that many of the previous applications were actually from companies submitting multiple applications in an effort to game the system
  • Back in 2021, the USCIS dropped a requirement to mail in extensive paperwork in an effort to ease barriers, but this unintentionally made it easier for companies to fraudulently submit duplicate applications.
  • USCIS Director Ur Jaddou said that the drop was attributed to more efforts to stop the gaming of the system
  • Data also showed that technology companies are among the top users of the H1-B visa, with Amazon.com, Apple, Google, Infosys, Microsoft, and Meta (Facebook) all in the Top Ten.
  • Some tech companies had pushed for the change, including Intel, who said that fraud in the lottery was making it harder for legitimate applications from companies following the rules.

Trump Calls for Local Police to be Used for Immigration Crackdown

  • Ex President Donald Trump, running to regain his old job, said that he would employ local police to deport immigrants in the US without authorization
  • Trump told Time magazine that local law enforcement would be a key to his plans to increase deportations.
  • While local law enforcement cannot be ordered to enforce federal immigration law, Trump was open to the possibility of using federal funding as a way to push them to do so.

USCIS: I-693s will remain valid

USCIS Makes Changes to streamline Social Security Card Process

Kansas City Mayor: our city needs immigrants

  • Kansas City Mayor Quintin Lucas said that his city was looking at ways to attract more immigrants in an effort to boost its workforce
  • The Mayor told reporters that he was in talks with Denver and New York City, both of which have seen an influx in migrants in recent years that has put considerable strain on city services, about how to bring migrants with work authorization to Kansas City
  • Lucas told Bloomberg News that the city’s companies were in serious need of employees.

Scam Alert: Deportation Scam - Translated into Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, and Ukrainian

Scam Alert: Deportation Scam

The Cuyahoga County Scam Squad wants you to know that scam callers may pose as federal agents to try to scare you into paying them. Here’s what you should know:

Real immigration and federal agents:

  • Will never call you to threaten you with arrest or deportation
  • Will never demand you pay money
  • Will never tell you that you have to act now

Government agencies do not accept gift cards or crypto currency, They do not accept cash sent by courier.

You can check your visa or immigration status by calling USCIS’s National Customer Service Center at 800-375-5283.

Our Scam Squad partner, the Federal Trade Commission, offers translated materials about scams at ftc.gov/languages

Report scams to the Cuyahoga County Scam Squad at 216-443-7226 or by visiting cuyahogacounty.gov/scamsquad


تنبيه احتيال: عمليات احتيال الترحيل

تريد فرقة الاحتيال في مقاطعة كوياهوجا أن تعلم أن المتصلين المحتالين قد يتظاهرون بأنهم عملاء فيدراليون لمحاولة إخافتك ودفعهم. إليك ما يجب أن تعرفه:

مكتب الهجرة الحقيقية والوكلاء الفيدراليين:

  • لن يتصل بك أبدًا لتهديدك بالاعتقال أو الترحيل
  • لن يطلب منك أبدا دفع المال
  • لن يخبرك أبدًا أنه عليك التصرف الآن
  • لا تقبل الوكالات الحكومية بطاقات الهدايا أو العملات المشفرة، ولا تقبل الأموال النقدية المرسلة عن طريق البريد.

يمكنك التحقق من حالة التأشيرة أو الهجرة الخاصة بك عن طريق الاتصال بمركز خدمة العملاء الوطني التابع لإدارة خدمات المواطنة والهجرة في الولايات المتحدة على الرقم:


يقدم شريكنا في فرقة الاحتيال، لجنة التجارة الفيدرالية، مواد مترجمة حول عمليات الاحتيال على  ftc.gov/languages

قم بالإبلاغ عن عمليات الاحتيال إلى فرقة الاحتيال في مقاطعة كوياهوغا على الرقم 7226-443-216 أو عن طريق زيارة cuyahogacounty.gov/scamsquad





  • 绝不会打电话威胁将您逮捕或驱逐出境
  • 绝不会要求您直接支付任何金钱
  • 绝不会告诉您必须立即采取行动或汇款转账




请民众提高警惕,防范各类诈骗。如遭遇诈骗,请尽快按此方式报案:电话216-443-7226或访问网站https://cuyahogacounty.gov/consumeraffairs/scam-squad  。


घोटाला चेतावनी: निर्वासन घोटाले

कुयाहोगा काउंटी स्कैम स्क्वाड आपको यह बताना चाहता है कि स्कैम कॉल करने वाले संघीय एजेंट के रूप में आपको भुगतान करने के लिए डराने की कोशिश कर सकते हैं। यहां वह है जो आपको जानना चाहिए:

वास्तविक आप्रवासन और संघीय एजेंट:

  • आपको गिरफ़्तारी या निर्वासन की धमकी देने के लिए कभी भी फ़ोन नहीं किया जाएगा
  • आपसे कभी भी पैसे देने की मांग नहीं की जाएगी

• आपसे कभी यह नहीं कहेंगे कि आपको तुरंत कार्रवाई करनी होगी।

सरकारी एजेंसियां ​​उपहार कार्ड या क्रिप्टो करेंसी स्वीकार नहीं करतीं, वे कूरियर द्वारा भेजी गई नकदी स्वीकार नहीं करतीं।

आप यूएससीआईएस के राष्ट्रीय ग्राहक सेवा केंद्र को 800-375-5283 पर कॉल करके अपने वीज़ा या आव्रजन स्थिति की जांच कर सकते हैं।

हमारा स्कैम स्क्वाड भागीदार, संघीय व्यापार आयोग, ftc.gov/भाषाओं पर घोटालों के बारे में अनुवादित सामग्री प्रदान करता है

कुयाहोगा काउंटी स्कैम स्क्वाड को 216-443-7226 पर या cuyahogacounty.gov/scamsquad पर जाकर घोटालों की रिपोर्ट करें।


Alerta de estafa: estafa de deportación

El Cuyahoga County Scam Squad (Equipo Contra Estafas del Condado de Cuyahoga) quiere que Ud. sepa que hay estafadores que llaman y se hacen pasar por agentes federales para tratar de asustarle y hacer con que Ud. les pague. Lo que Ud. debe saber:

Agentes reales de inmigración y federales:

  • Jamás llamarán para amenazarle con prisión o deportación
  • Jamás exigirán que Ud. pague dinero
  • Jamás dirán que Ud. debe actuar inmediatamente

Las agencias gubernamentales no aceptan tarjetas de regalo o criptomoneda. Ellas no aceptan dinero de servicios de entrega de dinero.

Usted puede verificar su visa o estatus de inmigración llamando al Centro de Atención del Cliente de USCIS llamando al 800-375-5283.

Nuestro asociado de Scam Squad, la Federal Trade Commission (Comisión Federal de Comercio), ofrece materiales sobre estafas traducidos en ftc.gov/languages

Denuncie estafas al Cuyahoga County Scam Squad llamando al 216-443-7226 o visite cuyahogacounty.gov/scamsquad


Повідомлення про шахрайство: депортаційні афери

Команда боротьби зі шахрайством Округу Кайахога повідомляє, що шахраї-абоненти телефонуючи можуть видавати себе за федеральних агентів з метою залякування/погрози заради отримання коштів.

Ось інформація, яку необхідно знати:

Правдиві імміграційні та федеральні агенти:

  • Ніколи не будуть телефонувати, щоб погрожувати арештом чи депортацією.
  • Ніколи не будуть вимагати гроші до оплати.
  • Ніколи не скажуть вам діяти негайно.

Урядові установи не приймають подарункових карток чи криптовалюту. Вони також не приймають готівку, відправлену кур’єром.

Статус вашої візи чи імміграційний статус ви можете перевірити зателефонувавши до Громадського Центру Обслуговування Споживачів у USCIS за номером телефону 800-375-5283.

Наш партнер по Команді боротьби зі шахрайством, Державна Торгова Палата, пропонує перекладені матеріали про шахрайство на веб-сайті ftc.gov/languages.

Повідомляти про шахрайство до Команди боротьби зі шахрайством округу Кайахога за телефоном

(216) 443-7226 або перейти за посиланням https://cuyahogacounty.gov/consumeraffairs/scam-squad.

March 2024 Immigration Update

March 2024 Immigration Update

Want to keep up with immigration news in the U.S.? Every month, Global Cleveland publishes our immigration update so that you can stay informed about the latest immigration news.

This month’s Immigration Update at a glance:

  • Spending Bill Contains 12,000 SIVs for Afghan Allies
  • Biden Announces Immigration Proposals in State of the Union
  • SCOTUS Lifts Hold on Texas Law

Spending Bill Contains 12,000 SIVs for Afghan Allies

  • Federal lawmakers passed a spending bill that contained among other things 12,000 special immigrant visas for Afghans who aided the US military, and also extended the program until 2025
  • Finding security for Afghan allies who fled their country has been a concern since the Taliban overthrew the Afghan government in 2021 and the US withdrew
  • Congressman Michael McCaul of Texas said that the 12,000 visas was a “great response” to the needs of the Afghan evacuees
  • A more permanent solution is needed, advocates say, and the bipartisan Afghan Adjustment Act remains pending.
  • https://www.voanews.com/a/us-adds-12-000-special-immigrant-visas-for-afghans-advocates-say-more-needed-/7542185.html

Laken Riley Act Passes House

  • A bill that would require the detention of any migrant that committed theft or bulgary passed the House earlier this month.
  • The bill was named after Laken Riley, a young woman who was murdered in Georgia earlier this year. The suspect in the murder, a Venezuelan man, had previously been detained on theft charges but was released
  • The bill was primarily supported by Republicans, but also received considerable support from the Democratic caucus, with 37 Democratic members of Congress voting yes.
  • Proposals to attach the bill to the spending “minibus” were underway but ultimately did not lead to the inclusion of the bill
  • https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/07/politics/house-passes-laken-riley-act/index.html

Mexico’s President Proposes Immigration Policies

  • Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador weighed in on the US immigration debate and proposed measures that the US could take to address the high levels of migration across the US Mexico border.
  • López Obrador suggested the US commit $20 billion annually in aid for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, lift sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela, and offer legalization for Mexican citizens in the United States.
  • López Obrador, who has been President of Mexico since 2019 and is leaving office this year as the Mexican constitution limits president to a single six year term, told 60 minutes that “the flow of migrants will continue” if these measures are not taken.
  • The President also opposed any efforts to close the border, saying it would harm the economy in the US and Mexico.
  •  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mexican-president-andres-manuel-lopez-obrador-talks-immigration-cartels-fentanyl-crisis-60-minutes-transcript/

Government Requires Facial Recognition for Non-Passport Holding Migrants

Biden Announces Immigration Proposals in State of the Union

SCOTUS lifts hold on Texas law

Block Held on Texas SB4

  • A federal appeals court kept in place a block on Texas’ controversial SB4 law
  • The bill, which would have local law enforcement arrest migrants who engage in unathorized crossings of the US-Mexican border, has been the subject of a legal battle between the state and the federal government, who say that the law interferes with federal jurisdiction
  • The decision, a 2-1 ruling, held an earlier suspension of the law’s implementation, and the subject remains one that will continue to play out in the court system.
  • https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2024/03/27/texas-immigration-law-federal-appeals-court/

At least three of the Baltimore Bridge victims were immigrants, report says

  • Tragedy struck Baltimore, Maryland, when a container ship, the Dali, truck the Francis Scott Key Bridge after she experienced engine issues, collapsing the bridge
  • The Consul General of Guatemala confirmed two Guatemalan citizens were among the presumed dead, while a local immigrant group confirmed that Miguel Luna, originally from El Salvador but a near 20-year Baltimore resident, was also among the victims
  • The construction crew closed the bridge to traffic when the captain of the Dali issued a mayday call, saving lives.
  • https://abcnews.go.com/US/baltimore-bridge-collapse-missing-construction-workers/story?id=108535622

February 2024 Immigration Update

February 2024 Immigration Update

Want to keep up with immigration news in the U.S.? Every month, Global Cleveland publishes our immigration update so that you can stay informed about the latest immigration news.

This month’s Immigration Update at a glance:

  • Higher immigration levels are helping employers fill roles in a tight labor market, according to a Congressional Budget office reports
  • A proposal to link aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan with measures for border security failed to gain support in the Senate
  • President Joe Biden is considering an executive action that would restrict access to the US asylum system

DOCTORS Act introduced, would reallocate unused residency slots

  • A bipartisan group of congress members introduced the DOCTORs Act, which would allow states to transfer unused Conrad 30 slots to states that need them
  • The Conrad 30 program allows foreign born medical school graduates to remain in the United States
  • The bill, similar to one that was introduced in the senate last year, has 21 sponsors/cosponsors, 10 republicans and 11 democrats. It was introduced by Republican Congressman Troy Nehls of Texas, and is supported by GOP conference chair Elise Stefanik and Border Security and Enforcement Committee Chair Clay Higgins.

Source: https://stefanik.house.gov/2024/1/stefanik-helps-introduce-bill-to-address-doctor-shortage

Border Deal Compromise Collapses in Senate

  • A proposal to link aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan with measures for border security failed to gain support in the Senate
  • The proposal was criticized by conservative Republicans in the senate who wanted a more restrictive border policy
  • Speaker Mike Johnson had already stated that the deal would not pass the house

Wisconsin Introduces Bill to Smooth Path for International Medical Graduates

Biden considering Executive Order to Restrict Border Crossings

  • President Joe Biden is considering an executive action that would restrict access to the US asylum system.
  • Biden would use the 212(f) law, a section of federal law that enables the president to suspend entry to this country under certain circumstances. It was used by the Trump administration on several occasions
  • Migrant arrivals on the US-Mexican border have surged in recent years
  • Sources say Biden hasn’t decided for sure yet, but may announce the decision within the next two weeks
  • https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-weighs-invoking-executive-authority-stage-border-crackdown-212f/

USCIS Made Progress in Reducing Backlog

  • The US Citizenship and Immigration Services says it has made progress in the reduction of case backlogs recently, and said in a press release they had reduced their case backlog by 15%
  • The agency also made progress on the citizenship/naturalization process, with an average time it takes a new citizen to be naturalized dropping from 10 ½ months to just 6.1 months.
  • USCIS reported giving the oath of allegiance to over 875,500 new Americans in fiscal year 2023
  • https://www.boundless.com/blog/uscis-breaks-records-and-reduces-backlogs/

CBP Statistics Show Record High Migrant Encounters

US-Reimposes Venezuela Sanctions

Judge Blocks Texas Border Law

  • A US Federal Court halted implementation of a Texas state law that would have enabled state and local officials to arrest migrants crossing the US Mexico border
  • The ruling is a victory for the federal government, which has opposed the law, saying border enforcement is a federal power
  • In the case, Judge David Ezra, who was appointed to the bench by Republican President Ronald Reagan, issued a priliminary injuction and suggested that the federal government was likely to win the case eventually.
  • Legal experts have said the case may soon reach the Supreme Court

Texas AG Sues Catholic Charity helping Refugees

Report: Immigration fueled economic recovery

  • Higher immigration levels are helping employers fill roles in a tight labor market, according to a Congressional Budget office reports
  • Newly arrived immigrants will help the US Economy grow by $7 trillion over the next decade
  • Immigration has increased under President Biden; when Biden took office in January 2021 foreign born workers were 17.3% of the workforce, now they are almost 19%.
  • https://www.axios.com/2024/02/27/biden-immigration-workers-inflation-wages

January 2024 Immigration Update

January 2024 Immigration Update

Want to keep up with immigration news in the U.S.? Every month, Global Cleveland publishes our immigration update so that you can stay informed about the latest immigration news.

This month’s Immigration Update at a glance:

  • Senators are negotiating a proposal that would take several measures to reduce unauthorized border crossings 
  • Immigration parole has been used to allow entry to over one million people since President Joe Biden took office
  • In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court allowed the federal government to remove barriers on the US-Mexico border 

McConnell Says Grand Deal May Not Occur due to Trump Opposition

  • Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said a deal on immigration and foreign aid was “in a quandry”. 
  • Ex-President and current candidate Donald Trump has opposed the deal and has worked to prevent it from being approved by congress 
  • McConnell said that while no decision is in made the proposed agreement, which would involve Israel and Ukraine aid in exchange for border security measures, might be broken up into individual bills

Source: CNN

Senate GOP take differing positions on political impact of immigration deal

  • Amid reports that Presidential candidate Donald Trump was advocating against a deal on immigration, some GOP Senators have told the press they still favor a deal
  • Some in the party have reportedly raised the issue of whether a successful border security bill could make the immigration issue less potent in the 2024 presidential election
  • Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina told reporters it was “immoral” to decline to pass good policy in order to help Trump’s candidacy.

Source: NBC

Senators Look at Deal on Immigration

  • Senators James Lankford (R-Okla.), Krysten Sinema (I-Ariz.), and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) are negotiating a proposal that would take several measures to reduce unauthorized border crossings  
  • Senator Lankford told the press that a report saying the deal would increase green cards and only allow migrant deportations if border crossings exceed 5,000 per day over a weeklong period was inaccurate  
  • The congressional GOP have sought to make additional funding for Ukraine contingent on a border security deal  

Semiconductor Sector Pushes for Visa program

  • Semiconductor industry experts have advocated for changes to the visa system to bring more workers in the sector to the US.  
  • Semiconductor Engineering wrote an article that got significant attention in the industry, and quoted an expert who felt that the government recognized the issue of the talent shortage.   
  • The US has seen increasing investment in semiconductor manufacturing in recent years, with Intel and TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) making major capitol investments here.  
  • The Semiconductor Industry Association, a trade group within the sector, estimated a 67,000 person shortage of semiconductor workers by 2030 

Source: Semi Engineering

NYC Mayor: Right to Shelter Laws contributing to migration crisis

  • New York City has experienced considerable difficulty handling the influx of migrants crossing over the US-Mexico border over the past year; Mayor Eric Adams told reporters that the city’s ‘right to shelter’ laws were a contributing factor 
  • New York’ right to shelter law, which oblidges the local authorities to provide housing in certain circumstances, was not designed for and should not apply too the present situation, city officials assert. 
  • New York City has received around 161,000 asylum seekers as of this month 
  • Legal Aid of New York City told reports they hoped a compromise could be reached

Source: NY Post

H1-B Pilot Program Scheduled to Begin in 2024

  • The US State Department will start a pilot program allowing for H1-B visas renewals to be processed in the United States. 
  • An estimated 20,000 participants will be eligible for the renewal program starting January 29, 2024   

Source: U.S. State Dept.

Parole Programs Have Admitted One million under Biden

  • Immigration parole has been used to allow entry to over one million people since President Joe Biden took office in January of 2021, according to a CBS News report 
  • Parole was first introduced in 1952, and has been used extensively by the Biden administration 
  • Congress has considered new legislation to restrict the ability of the executive branch to use parole for immigrants.

Source: CBS

Mayors Push for Funding and Work Authorization

  • Denver Mayor Mike Johnston said in an interview that he is pushing for two priorities to be added to a federal deal on immigration: funding for cities and work authorization or immigrants
  • Denver has received an influx of migrants, many arriving via bus from Texas
  • Johnston said that the decision to give TPS to Venezuelans as well as the CBP One application was “a game changer” that helped the city handle the influx of migrants more effectively

Supreme Court: Federal Government can cut Border Wire

  • In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court allowed the federal government to remove barriers on the US-Mexico border
  • The barrier, made of razor wire, was put up by Texas authorities and has been part of a long running legal battle between Texas’ state government and the Biden administration
  • The ruling’s majority saw Justices Jackson, Kagan, and Sotomayor joined by Justices Roberts and Barrett.

Source: Axios

25 GOP Governors Issue Statement Supporting Texas

  • In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling on Texas’ dispute with the federal government, 25 Republican governors signed a letter supporting Texas 
  • The letter stated that the Biden administration had failed to do its duty to secure the US-Mexico border, and that Texas was constitutionally within its right to take action. 
  • The White House said in response that the governors should urge their states’ congressional representatives to pass legislation to solve the issue. 

Source: USA Today

Israel-Gaza War Continues, Worries of Broader Conflict

  • The war between Israel and the militant group Hamas has continued, with Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) personnel continuing major combat operations in the Gaza Strip
  • Numerous Israeli civilians remain held hostage
  • The humanitarian situation in Gaza has deteriorated, with a lack of food, water, power, and medical supplies putting lives at risk.
  • The Yemen militant group the Houthis have increasingly attacked shipping in the Red Sea, prompting a joint British American strike against Houthi facilities
  • Meanwhile, Iran launched an attack on Iraqi Kurdistan 

Ecuador’s President Declares State of Emergency after Organized Crime attacks

  • Ecuador erupted into violence after crime lord Adolfo Macias escaped from prison 
  • Members of criminal syndicates attacked numerous targets, including a university and a television station 
  • Ecuadorian president Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency, and activated the armed forces to restore order 
  • Ecuador has been a significant source of migrants who have claimed asylum in the US, and its liberal visa policy has led it to be a significant location for people trying to get to the US from overseas 

Guatemala President Inaugurated Amid Crisis

  • Bernardo Arévalo took office as President of Guatemala amid an attempt to impede the inauguration following a controversial election.  
  • Arévalo, a diplomat and a son of a former President, won the election last year, but the attorney general’s office sought to annul the election. The country’s supreme court upheld the election results. 
  • The political crisis, in which attempts were made to delay the inauguration of Arévalo, raised concerns that Guatemala could destabilize and contribute to the ongoing movement or refugees and migrants to the US-Mexico border. The chaos resulted in multiple foreign dignitaries, including the President of Chile and King Felipe of Spain to have to leave before the inauguration took place, but Arévalo was sworn in on January 15th.  
  • Source: Griffin Daily News

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Meet Cleveland's New African Sister Cities

Cleveland, Ohio Adds New African Sister Cities Relationships

The City of Cleveland signed resolutions to add three new African sister cities relationships in December 2023.

The team at Global Cleveland has been instrumental in strengthening and nourishing Cleveland’s sister city relationships and acted as the catalyst for the new sister city proposals, working closely with partners to forge connections with each of the proposed African sister cities.

Cleveland’s newest sister cities include Tema, Ghana; Kigali, Rwanda; and Cape Town, South Africa.

What Are Sister Cities?

Resolutions declaring the new sister cities relationships to the City of Cleveland.

Sister Cities International was created by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 as a way to foster bonds between U.S. communities and different people around the world. In the wake of WWII, it was envisioned that sister cities relationships would help build cross-cultural understanding and mutual respect that would lessen the chance of future conflicts.

Sister city relationships are formed when two locations enter into a legal or social agreement that is designed to create commercial and cultural ties.

Meet Cleveland's New Sister City: Tema, Ghana


Crystal Bryant, assistant vice president of corporate responsibility at KeyBank; William Gary, executive vice president at Cuyahoga Community College; and Kwame Botchway, director of community impact & innovation at Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, helped Global Cleveland establish connections with Tema, Ghana.

Joined by William Gary and Kwame Botchway, Global Cleveland presented a resolution to the Cleveland City Council to add Tema, Ghana as a sister city to Cleveland. Every member of the council volunteered to co-sponsor the resolution.

Tema has great potential for collaboration with Cleveland in terms of business and port operation. It is located on the Bay of Benin (a bight on the Gulf of Guinea) and the Atlantic coast of Ghana. Tema is known as the “Harbour City” thanks to its status as the largest seaport in the country, making it a major center for trade.

Meet Cleveland's New Sister City: Kigali, Rwanda

By GATETE Pacifique - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=117217839

Entrepreneur Brian Hall and Rwandan businessman Emery Rubagenda aided in establishing Cleveland’s connections with Kigali, Rwanda.

Kigali, Rwanda is the largest city and capital of Rwanda. Located in the center of the country, Kigali is an economic, cultural, and transportation hub. Much of the city’s GDP is contributed by the service sector (retail, information technology, transport and hotels, and real estate) and agriculture, with growing contributions from tourism. It is the largest business center of Rwanda, and the main point of entry into the country.

Meet Cleveland's New Sister City: Cape Town, South Africa

By Ranjithsiji - This file has been extracted from another file, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=129673723

Cape Town, South Africa’s sports industry and the potential for collaboration with Cleveland was of great interest to Kevin Clayton, chief of diversity, equity and inclusion for the Cleveland Cavaliers. Clayton helped Global Cleveland enter talks with Cape Town.

Cape Town is the capital and oldest city in South Africa. Located on a peninsula and with a long coastline on the Atlantic Ocean, Cape Town is known for its harbor and trade. The modern, cosmopolitan city-life, as well as Cape Town’s proximity to Table Mountain and beautiful beaches have made it a popular tourist destination.