Did you know Greater Cleveland employers posted 68,686 job openings last month? The majority of these jobs fall within the $30-79K salary range.
The most in-demand position this month is heavy and tractor-trailer truck driver. Other in-demand positions include retail salespersons, registered nurses, marketing managers, and accountants. Get connected with employers who are hiring for positions like these and more by joining our LinkedIn Group, Cleveland Recruiting.
The top 5 skills listed in job ads for the Cleveland-Northeast JobsOhio Network were as follows: quality assurance with 1,731, structured query language (SQL) with 1,702, Java Script with 1,307, Pediatrics with 1,114, and Technical Support with 1,112.
Here are some sample search results for jobs within the sales and related occupations industry, which accounted for 14% of posted jobs in the last month. Job search results were taken on August 25th, 2014.
1. Retail Salespersons: keyword “retail sales” showed 3,350 jobs
2. First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers: keywords “Supervisor + Retail Sales” showed 354 jobs
3. Sales Reps: keyword “sales + representative” showed 2,438 jobs
4. Insurance Sales Agents: keywords “insurance + sales” showed 1,501 jobs
5. Sales Agents, Financial Services: keywords “financial services + sales” showed 2,247 jobs
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Want information on the top industries and companies hiring in the region and the skills they are looking for? Check out the monthly State of Ohio Labor Marker Index for Greater Cleveland: