What country were you born in (if first generation, where is your family from?), and how long have you lived in Cleveland?
My family is from China and the Philippines. I have lived in Cleveland for 21 years.
The pioneers and supporters of International Women’s Day believe that “from challenges come change.”: What has been the largest challenge in your journey toward personal success?
It has been a challenge to change the perceptions of others. Sometimes people think that they know who you are or what you represent because of what they believe about your background or heritage. My own personal success has been achieved by overcoming barriers from inaccurate perceptions of others.
You have been nominated for this recognition by another amazing person, proving that we are so much stronger when we support one another. What is one piece of advice you have for women in your community and all over the world?
Believe in yourself and do not let anyone set limits on what you can achieve. You deserve to have dreams and to pursue them.
How can the greater Cleveland community encourage, support, and amplify the success of international women?
Each time an international woman achieves a goal, she can help another international woman achieve her goals. Mentorship circles help support future successful international women.